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bgm歌词介绍 monparis香水广告歌曲是什么

bgm歌词介绍 monparis香水广告歌曲是什么

mon paris香水,这是很多女生都喜欢使用的,味道非常好闻。mon paris香水广告歌曲是什么?mon paris香水bgm歌词介绍?

mon paris香水广告歌曲是什么

做个小科普,歌名:Love is blindness。歌手:Lee-laBaum(原作1991年11月19日发布)

YSL圣罗兰Mon Paris我的巴黎女士香水广告片。太好看了,每一帧都是一张杂志大片,好看。从邂逅之初,到停驻之间,她的爱情是一场浪漫梦幻与自由碰撞的火花,既有前卫的姿态,又极具感性的情愫。她独立、感性,并勇敢狂爱。撩拨、浓烈、自由、热情,2017 YSL反转巴黎香水

monparis香水广告歌曲是什么 bgm歌词介绍

mon paris香水bgm歌词介绍:

Love is blindness

I don't want to see

Won't you wrap the night

Around me

Oh my heart

Love is blindness

In a parked car

In a crowded street

You see your love

Made complete

Thread is ripping

The knot is slipping

Love is blindness

Love is clockworks

And cold steel

Fingers too numb to feel

Squeeze the handle

Blow out the candle

Love is Blindness

Love is blindness

I don't want to see

Won't you wrap the night

Around me

Oh my love


A little death

Without mourning

No call

And no warning

Baby...a dangerous idea

That almost makes sense

Love is drowning

In a deep well

All the secrets

And no one to tell

Take the money



好了,关于mon paris香水广告歌曲的介绍就到这里,小伙伴们都明白了吧。

monparis香水广告歌曲是什么 bgm歌词介绍 第2张

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